Operation Love Read online

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  Maybe he’d been doing that to put her off. There was no way if he thought of her as a sister that he would have made love to her that way. She swallowed. Intense didn’t even get close to it. Even slightly drunk, Mano was a better lover than Eric had ever been. Of course, Mano was several years older, and had years of experience on Eric. Her heart sunk a little at that thought. Would she measure up to his standards? Only one lover in her past, so it was hard to tell if she’d lived up to all the women he’d slept with. She sighed and tried to push that thought back in her mind.

  Mano mumbled something in his sleep and his arms tightened around her. He may regret it in the morning, but at the moment, Dee didn’t care. She’d made love with Mano, something she’d dreamed of for years. She curled closer, his heat warming her, the scent of their lovemaking filling the air, and listened to his heartbeat as it lulled her to sleep.

  Chapter Five

  The filtered sunlight poured through the room as Mano first opened his eyes. Knowing it was Saturday, he rolled over to gain relief and came in contact with soft skin. He cracked one eye open and sucked in a breath. Dee. The events of the night before came flooding back in a heated rush. Lusting after Dee, getting drunk because of Dee, stripping off her clothes and sliding into her…

  His cock went from his usual morning condition to a full and raging hard-on. He swallowed as he started piecing together the evening. Many of the memories were fuzzy, like how they got back to the apartment, but then he could remember the sound of his name on her lips, the way her skin tasted, and the feel of her muscles clamping down hard on his dick. She snuggled deeper into the pillow, and grumbled at the same sunlight he’d cursed.

  He waited for guilt to come. He should feel guilty. Mr. Burton would likely hog tie him and stake him to an ant hill covered with honey if he knew the things he’d done to Dee the night before. And all the things he’d like to do to her and have her do to him. But he just couldn’t. He had a plan, not to marry until retirement, and Dee was the marrying kind of girl. She would be most happy leg-shackled to some guy, with a brood of kids. The image made him frown. He didn’t like thinking of her with other men.

  She shifted and the sheet slid down to reveal one perfect nipple. It pebbled immediately, probably from the cold air, but it reminded him of the way she’d responded to his touch. It was still hazy, but he would never forget her moans while he licked her into her first orgasm. Drawing in a shuddering breath, he brushed the backs of his fingers over her nipple. It tightened further and he smiled.

  “Mano.” Her voice was still sleepy, her eyes closed and a secret seductive smile curved her lips. The fact that his name was the first word she uttered that morning sent a tiny jolt of happiness cruising through him.

  Unable to resist, he bent his head and licked the tip of her nipple. The moment he tasted her skin, he knew he had no regrets. Nothing in his life had tasted as good as Dee Burton and he would be damned if he would give her up. There’d be some complications, but as he took her nipple into his mouth, he thought that it’d be worth it.


  He turned his head, rested it on her breast and smiled at her. Her eyes were half closed and her hair was a mess of curls sliding over her bare shoulders and across his white pillows.

  “Morning, Dee.”

  She closed her eyes for a moment then opened them again.

  “I’m a little hazy on what happened last night but I have a feeling you got me drunk and took advantage of me,”

  Her mouth opened, ready to blast him he was sure, then she shut it with a snap as her face flamed red. It made those adorable freckles across the bridge of her nose stand out even more.

  She cleared her throat. “I did not take advantage of you.”

  Taking advantage of her sleepiness and surprise, he moved over her, closing his eyes when his cock brushed against her curls. Wet heat warmed his shaft. When he opened his eyes, she was staring at him with a hint of surprise but also desire. It hummed through his blood, sending what was left in his brain straight to his groin.

  “The way I see it is I was vulnerable. I’m new to this area…”

  “You grew up here!”

  “And I go out for a harmless dinner and end up abused by you.”

  She hmphed as her eyes narrowed. “You know, you didn’t act that drunk.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “After four beers and two…no three…double rum lava flows, I think that my ability to think straight was hindered.”

  She snorted which made him chuckle.

  “First of all,” she broke off when he kissed the underside of her chin. She breathed deeply as if trying to control her temper. “As I was saying. You were far from being able to perform.”

  “Hell, with a body like yours around me what do you expect? Half the time I don’t have enough blood left in my brain to form a coherent thought.”

  Her lips curved up. “Really?”

  She sounded surprised. “Don’t you know how sexy you are, woman?”

  Laughing she leaned up to brush her lips over his. It was a whisper of a kiss that didn’t satisfy the hunger already gnawing at his gut. “That’s so sweet, Mano. But I’m just plain Dorky Dee. I’ve been a nerd for so long, I just can’t see myself that way.”

  “What the hell is wrong with the guys you’ve been seeing?” The question came out sharper then he intended and her eyes widened at his tone. But he couldn’t help it. She was a gorgeous, delicious piece of woman and for some reason the assholes she’d been seeing had failed to mention it to her.

  “Really, Mano, it’s not like there’s a string of men I date.”

  “What about Surfer Boy?”

  “Surfer Boy…oh!” A blush started at her chest and climbed up her neck and into her face. “Derek. He’s a friend.”

  “Dee, I know you weren’t a virgin, I would have remembered that.”

  “Do we have to talk about this now, Mano?” She struggled a bit, which caused her pussy to press harder against his cock.

  He gritted his teeth and clamped down on his irritation. It wasn’t her fault she’d apparently dated clueless men. “Yes, we do. I want to know why you don’t think you’re delicious? I mean, I’m not the first guy, so what was wrong with the others?”

  She sighed. “Not the first, the second.”

  “The second what? What the hell are you talking about?”

  “You’re the second man. The second guy I have slept with.”

  For a second the words just didn’t register. She’d only been with one other guy? As he thought back to the night before he thought of how tight she’d felt when he slid into her, about her surprise when she came the first time.

  Slowly, his lips curved, his heart turned over. “The second guy? Hmm, and who was this first guy?”

  “Unless you’re going to give me a rundown of all your women, then I don’t think I need to share it with you.” Her bottom lip pouted out, making him want to pull it between his lips and suck it.

  “If you don’t tell me, I’ll go talk to Leila. You know there’s a good chance I can get it out of her.”

  “Eric Vender.”

  “Who’s that?”

  She sighed, clearly aggravated with him. He couldn’t explain it himself. For some reason he wanted to know, needed to know who had touched her. It was idiotic because he never cared, or thought he should care. He practiced safe sex and respected that women today made choices about their bodies. Mano was just always happy to be included in the choosing. But with Dee, possessiveness took over.

  “He was my college boyfriend.”

  “So it’s been…?”

  “A long time. Feel better now, butthead?” She shoved at his shoulders trying to get him to move but he refused.

  “So, you decided to end your drought with me last night because…?”

  “You were available.” She punched his shoulder.

  He grabbed both her hands, and clasped his hand around both her wrists above her head. The position caused
her back to arch slightly. Mano leaned back to enjoy the sight of her breasts thrust out from the way he held her.

  “You know, I kind of like you like this.” He kissed the tender skin beneath the base of her throat. “You certainly are gorgeous in the morning light, Dee.”

  She moaned and he bit into her skin lightly. “Mano…”

  “What baby, what do you need?”

  He brushed his fingers along her jaw, down her neck to her breast. He pinched her nipple and smiled when it puckered more. God, he loved the way the woman responded to him. One touch and he knew she was wet. She twisted her head from side to side as his fingers skimmed down her stomach to her pussy. As he continued to kiss her neck, he slid one finger between her lips wetting it with her juices. She was dripping wet. He pulled his finger out, then moved it up to her clit, massaging it. She shivered; her legs moved restlessly.

  The urge to tease her into an orgasm with his mouth almost had him sliding down her body. But there were things, things he had been dreaming about for the last three weeks. The woman was a work of art. Hills, valleys, honey-toned skin, with the most beautiful breasts.

  Without warning, he pulled away, grabbed her by the hips and flipped her over onto her stomach. She landed with a squeak. He straddled her legs and leaned forward. As he skimmed his fingers down her spine he thanked the gods for having Dee in his bed. Jesus, had he ever seen a woman with a body like this? It wasn’t perfect. He’d dated enough plastic surgeon queens to know the difference but her body was feminine.

  Mano pushed her hair to the side to be able to take in the view. She rested her weight on her elbows and looked over her shoulder at him.

  “Really, Mano, I don’t like that particular body part to be exposed in the light of day.”

  “That’s just downright stupid.” He slid his fingers down the cleft that separated her buttocks. “This is gorgeous.” Squeezing first one, then the other cheek, he had to reign in his control. Her skin was soft, silky. It was driving him nuts touching her this way and not taking her. But he’d always liked to play, to draw out the pleasure and with Dee, it was such a joy to see her reactions to his touch.

  “The first thing that attracted me to you was this ass sticking out of my mother’s refrigerator. Damn if I’d ever seen a more awesome sight.”

  “Mano. Why did you have to pick the one body part I hate for you to admire?”

  He slapped her ass slightly. “I can’t believe you don’t like your ass. Full, just like I like them.” And he wanted to take her from behind. His balls drew tight at the thought of her on her knees in front of him as he pumped into her. A drop of pre-cum dripped out. Damn, maybe…

  She shifted her ass, moving her legs which brushed the inside of his thigh. Without hesitating he scrambled to the night stand to grab a condom, had it opened and rolled it down his penis in no time flat.

  Grabbing her hips, he brought her up to her knees. Reaching around her, he slipped his fingers over her slit and was relieved when he felt her cream wet his fingers. Positioning himself, behind her, he eased into her sex, closing his eyes at the exquisite feel of her muscles clamping around his dick. Once he was in her to the hilt, he pulled back out and then shoved all the way back in.

  She moaned his name and soon she was in rhythm with him. As they increased their speed, he took hold of her ass, squeezing, slapping. Her excited gasps sent a jolt of heat all the way to his cock. He knew he was close, knew that with less than three strokes, he would blow his load. Reaching around her again, he pressed against her clit. She exploded, her body convulsing, her pussy pulling him deeper into her heat. It spurred his own orgasm, his body jerking as he came.

  Moments later, they lay curled together, her back against his chest. As she snuggled closer, doubts crowded his mind again. Would she expect more than just a fling? It was a definite yes. He knew her family, she was his sister’s best friend, and she practically lived at his mother’s house. But…



  “You know that … well that nothing…” How did you say I just want to use your body for sex and not sound like a jerk?

  She turned over and placed a hand on his chest. A gentle smile curved her lips, her eyes soft and understanding. “Don’t bust a gut, Mano. I know this isn’t going to lead to anything. And, really, I don’t want to marry military.”

  “Why the hell not?” He felt stupid about his comment, but he didn’t care.

  “I lived the life of a military brat, Mano and I don’t want that for my children. I work on a base, but I never date military for that reason.” She shrugged. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy this while it lasts.”

  “My mom and Leila…”

  “Don’t need to know.” Her smile turned downright devilish. “Just a secret, between you and me.”

  She kissed his chin and snuggled against his chest. It should be what he wanted. It was what he wanted. But the conversation left a hollow feeling in the pit of his stomach. Her breathing evened out, and she mumbled something in her sleep. Sighing, he wrapped his arms around her and drifted off into sleep, ignoring the ache around his heart.

  Chapter Six

  Sunday afternoon, after spending almost all day Saturday in bed, Dee found herself driving to Mano’s mother’s house for dinner. Adela had been like a second mother to her since she’d moved back to Oahu to work at PACAF. Shapely, a tad shorter than herself, Adela had a heart of gold and a talented hand in the kitchen. She’d been running her own successful catering business for years. Dee had proved a willing test subject for new recipes, and Adela relied on her to taste them. Dee had the hips to prove it.

  She parked her Mini behind Mano’s sports car. Again she remembered the discussion about arriving together. Mano said it would be fine, and Dee had convinced him that it wouldn’t be a good idea. Adela and Leila would be too interested in why they arrived together and would watch them for signs. And she knew she’d show them.

  She closed her eyes, allowing herself a little happiness at the thought of being his lover. Maybe it wouldn’t last forever, but for once in her life, Dee was going to throw caution to the wind and take a chance. There was no future and she knew she was risking hurting herself, but nothing made her feel as complete as when she laid in his arms.

  Getting out of her car, she noticed Leila waiting for her on the porch. As she approached her best friend she squashed the guilt of not being able to share this secret with her. They’d shared everything since her return, and God knew Leila had smoothed over the rough spots of being so far from her sisters, but this one thing was too precious, too wonderful to risk. Later, when Mano left and she was back to her old boring life, she might tell Leila about the man who stole her heart.

  “You’ve been sitting in your car with a goofy smile on your face, sista. What’s up?”

  “Oh, nothing.”

  Dee walked up the steps and grinned at her friend. Suspicion darkened Leila’s tawny eyes.

  “Bull. Somethin’ happened. Give over.”

  “Leave the poor girl alone, Leila. Where are your manners?” Adela smiled from behind the screen door. “Mano has some steaks out on the grill. They should be done soon.” She opened the door in invitation and, relieved, Dee practically ran into the house.

  Adela kissed Dee on her cheek and gave her a quick squeeze. As always, the scent of jasmine laced with cinnamon and sugar surrounded Adela.

  “So, Mano told me he saw you Friday at PACAF?”

  She followed her into the kitchen, Leila hard on her heels. “Yes. He stopped by after his meeting with the PACAF commander.”

  Adela shook her head as she moved to the stove. This room was one of Dee’s favorites in the older home. The ceramic floor kept the room cool, the colors were cheerful and there was a mass of windows that let in a lot of the beautiful Hawaiian sunshine. But there were other reasons. When she was here, Dee seemed to spend more time in this room, talking to Adela and Leila than any other room. Probably because ther
e were times she missed sitting around in the kitchen, gossiping with her sisters, planning their adventures. She sighed. A part of her would always feel lost with them so far away.

  “You seem sad, yeah?” Concern laced Adela’s voice.

  Leila seated herself at the bar, her own worry causing her to frown. Dee shook her head and smiled.

  “No, really, just thinking about how I miss my sisters. Hard with Christmas so close.”

  Adela nodded. “You come here for Christmas, yes?”


  The back door banged shut and all three women looked over to find Mano standing there, a beer in his hand and a smile curving his lips. Her heart danced in her chest as his smile deepened when he saw her. He wore a Hawaiian shirt, with loud primary colors and lots of surfboards. His tan shorts showed off his well-defined legs. She raised her gaze back to his. Just from that one look, her body hummed with sexual energy. She’d thought after all the times they’d made love that weekend, she’d have had enough, but apparently not. Mano had turned her into a nympho.

  “Hey, Dee. See you finally made it.” His voice was casual but she detected the underlying passion beneath it. He looked at his mother. “Is everything else about ready?”

  She nodded. “Here, take this plate to bring them in. You girls set the table.”

  Following Leila to the dining room with their arms full of dishes, napkins and silverware, Dee did her best not to turn around to smile at Mano. They had to play this cool, hide what was going on. If they didn’t she knew what would happen. Leila and Adela would start to pressure Mano and he would break off the affair. Her heart fell to her stomach at the thought of that happening. She knew there would be a day when it ended but she would much rather take later than sooner.

  * * * *

  Mano fidgeted. He’d eaten half his steak but he wasn’t hungry enough to finish the rest. He glanced at Dee who was discussing a trip to the North Shore next week with his sister. Instantly, his blood drained, his cock thickened and his heart turned somersaults.