Operation Love Read online

Page 16

  “Rich?” he inquired, his voice deepening slightly.

  “Lieutenant Carson,” she corrected, not sure when the patient/doctor relationship had been compromised. He was the one who was supposed to be on guard.

  When had she lost control?

  From the first moment he stepped in the room.

  “Now that I’ve met you I don’t want to meet with…Rich. I want to ma-meet with you.”

  Holly picked up on the slight stutter. At last, here was the gateway she needed. “You were about to say something else, but you stopped yourself. What was it?”

  “I don’t think you want to know what I was about to say. Actually, I’m positive you don’t want to know.”

  She could believe that, but if she was to regain control of this meeting then she had to step forward and assert her authority. With a controlling, domineering man like Commander Gilcrist it would be a necessity to set the boundaries. So far, he had reigned supreme.

  He’d thrown her off her guard with his stoic, unnerving posture and he’d pushed her into a corner with his veiled taunts. Emphasizing her power would be a step in the right direction. There had to be an understanding and if she didn’t take this chance then she might as well pack it up.

  “I want to hear what you have to say.” Again she gestured toward the seat nearest him. “This is what we are here for, Commander. I don’t want to discern your every secret, but I do want to know you, help you if I can.”

  “Know me. That sounds ominous. But, if you’re sure that’s what you really want, then I’ll tell you what I was about to say.”

  Holly narrowed her eyes, and repeated the mantra she’d learned in med school. No patient is unreachable. “I want to know,” she dared.

  The calm and cool Commander, didn’t even flinch before he said, “I was going to say that I wanted to mate with you. And, of course, I meant that in the most traditional sense of the word.”

  Holly nodded robotically. More than a little stunned, she couldn’t even lift her jaw to seal her lips.

  “But for now, I’ll settle on just talking to you,” he interjected, finally dropping his long frame in the seat across from her desk. “There’s something about you that I just can’t put my finger on. But, it makes me want to fuck you … hard.”

  Bits of wetness gathered in the region of Holly’s white cotton panties at the crude description, and in the back of her mind she envisioned her loose headboard banging against the wall.

  Good Lord! The man was like some sort of carnal god.

  She’d read his jacket and she knew the particulars. Six foot four, blond hair, blue eyes, allergy to penicillin. Yet, cold hard facts didn’t do the man justice.

  The short cut of his hair emphasized well-defined, strong cheekbones. The curve to his jaw was manly, and the barely-there scar on his chin added that hint of strength to a face that would never be defined as classically beautiful.

  Rugged. All of the Commander was rough around the edges.

  Sputtering, she finally found the strength to speak audibly. “I-I think we should establish some boundaries, sir.”

  “I’m more of a free thinker.” He smiled slowly. “Occupational hazard.”

  “I can understand that, sir. But, we’re going to need to set some ground rules before we can begin. First off, I would appreciate if you didn’t talk to me like that. I know colorful euphemisms are widely accepted in the Navy, but please refrain from using them in this office.”

  “That was phrased very nicely. I’m sure you wanted to say something different though. That’s okay, I’ll abide by your rule, but I’ve got one of my own. Since I’m here for therapy, why don’t we dispense with the titles and formality? You’ll call me Scott and I’ll call you Holly.”

  She smiled slowly. “I’ll call you Commander Gilcrist, and I’d prefer for you to call me Doctor Burton. Only in my practice with children do we use first names. You don’t consider yourself a child do you?”

  “I can show you better than I can I tell you, Holly.”

  “That’s great, but in this office you will call me Dr. Burton.”

  “Sure thing, honey.”

  The muscles in her face tightened, and her cheeks hurt from holding the smile in place. This was going to be one of the longest sessions of her life, no sense in holding off the inevitable any longer.

  “How long have you been a member of the Special Forces?”

  “You have a level-four clearance. Why don’t you tell me?”

  Antagonism, the first true sign of therapy. “A little over thirteen years. You joined straight from the Academy…”

  “I see you’ve done your homework,” he interrupted. “So, why ask me how long I’ve been a SEAL?”

  “Commander Gilcrist, you’re here because I have to evaluate you and make sure you’re fit for duty.”

  “I am fit for duty, Lieutenant. The sooner we get that out of the way, the sooner you can invite me to your bed.”

  One blink. Don’t give him more than one blink. “I can’t help but notice the numerous amounts of sexual references that come with your comments. Do you feel too distracted right now for us to continue?”

  “Nothing distracts me, but I can’t help the fact that you are a beautiful woman.”

  Holly nodded, keeping her expression blank.

  Flattery wouldn’t get this man anywhere in her office.

  “Well, maybe it’s my being female that distracts you, so I’ll transfer you over to Doctor Carson and I’ll be sure to let him know that you have issues controlling yourself in the presence of a woman.”

  “Hmmm. I didn’t expect you to give up so easily. I thought you were going to make this hard for me,” he murmured, rising from his chair.

  So that’s what this was all about. He wanted to get rid of her. No doubt he figured Rich would be easier pickings. Sad thing though, he was probably right. Rich loved the SEALs. He thought they were cool. He would let his personal feelings interfere with his professional ones.

  Holly didn’t like it one bit, but she would give the Commander his full money’s worth if he thought to toy with her.

  Shaking her head, she leaned forward to peer across the desk. “Be sure to have Doctor Carson inform me when you two are done resolving this issue so we can resume our sessions. I’ll then evaluate you for combat duty, sir.”

  The look her gave her could have frozen a roaring fire. “You’re very brave, Lieutenant.”

  Jeffrey Scott Gilcrist didn’t know the half of it. “So, are you ready to resume our session, or should we involve Doctor Carson?”

  Chapter Three

  Scott towered over the seated figured behind the desk, taking stock of the woman before him through a narrowed gaze. Holly Burton might seem calm, but the flashing heat of her hazel-green eyes spoke of passion seething just beneath the surface.

  Oh yes. She was certainly putting up a good front, but her body betrayed her. A normal man might not sense the subtle changes, but he was in no way a “normal” man.

  Smiling, he wondered how hard he’d have to push to ignite the fire blazing inside.

  As he tipped his head, he dropped his gaze to stare at the fertile, grapefruit-sized breasts hidden beneath her khaki blouse, his fingers itching to release the single strained button pushing outward at the slope. The tight, thick bun securing her vivid, flame colored hair teased him mercilessly, and he wondered how far the tresses would trail down her back if he released the lush mass.

  Everything about this woman excited him to no end. Her determination and resolve were just the icing on the cake. He didn’t want therapy, but he did want her.

  Returning his gaze to her almond-shaped eyes, he urged her to look at him. He craved to have her see him and understand what type of danger she was in—what type of predator she was facing.

  Wisely though, the Lieutenant kept her gaze fixed to a point just beyond his shoulder.

  Smart girl.

  Finally deciding to take pity on her, Scott moved back toward
the chair he’d just vacated. Easing his long frame down, he crossed his legs at the ankles and waited silently, serenely.

  “So what’s a typical day like for you?” she asked, her voice deep and even.

  Scott blinked, impressed at how well she ignored the last few minutes of tension.

  “I wake up in the morning and go to sleep at night,” he responded, tilting his head to the side.

  “Okay, what time do you usually get up?”

  “Is there a reason you want to know what time I wake up and get out of bed?

  The staid expression on her face didn’t even change. “Commander, I want to understand what life is like for you.”

  “You could never understand my life,” he fired, unsure where the burst of anger that bloomed in his chest had come from.

  “That may be true, but I’m here to give it a shot.” She paused, staring at him intently. “So, you get up in the morning and then what happens?”

  “I take a piss,” he answered back sarcastically.

  “And then what do you do?”

  “I don’t know. Sometimes I do some exercises.”

  “How many days out of the week do you work out?”

  “A lot,” he rebelled.

  The Lieutenant sighed, her expressive eyes narrowing in consternation. “Commander, this session will go a whole lot quicker if you stop fighting and sincerely respond to my questions.”

  “I am answering your questions. Maybe if you tell me how you would like for me to respond then this will go a whole hell of lot faster.”

  “I’d like for you to answer the questions without sarcasm. I’d like for you to answer the questions with emotion,” she urged.

  Scott kept his face placid, not betraying any of the feelings churning inside him. “I don’t have emotions. Occupational hazard.”

  Slowly, she set the pen she’d been using to take notes with down on the desk, staring at him with intense concentration. “That must be lonely for you.” Her tone was hushed—dark—when she spoke.

  The statement threw him for a loop, pinging his subconscious on many different levels. “Sometimes it is,” he answered, surprised at the words slipping from his lips.

  “When do you feel the loneliest? When you wake up in the morning, while you’re at work, or when you go to sleep at night?”

  The questions were challenging … almost daring a response. Easing further into the chair, Scott reluctantly relaxed. His shoulders dropped and he dipped his head forward to peer at the slight slip of a woman seated in front of him.

  “At night … that’s when I feel it most,” he declared, unable to resist the gentle siege.

  “Does your loneliness allow for you to sleep?”

  “Sleep. There’s plenty of time for that when you’re dead.”

  “But, you’re not dead, Commander, and the body requires sufficient rest to be fully functional.”

  Scott grinned. “I disagree. There are plenty of other things people can do in a bed that will lead to full functioning capabilities.”

  The Lieutenant didn’t miss a beat. “So, you find it difficult to rest?”

  “Only if there’s someone in bed with me.”

  “Interesting. How often is that?”

  “What do you mean? How often do I fuck?” he jeered, capturing her gaze.

  “I mean, how often to do you seek companionship?” she countered quickly.

  “I don’t seek them. They come looking for me.”

  “So, would you say that those relationships are fulfilling?”

  “None of them have ever left unsatisfied.”

  “What about you? Are you satisfied?” she persisted.

  Scott smirked, wondering where this line of questions was leading. “Is that a personal inquiry, doctor?”

  “Yes. It is,” she agreed soundly.

  “So tell me, how can I satisfy you?”

  Lifting the corner of her lips, the Lieutenant faintly smiled. “By answering the question, Commander.”

  “The women are nameless, faceless. I use them and they use me. Does that answer your question?”

  “Yes, it does. Thank you very much.”

  He’d been enjoying his games with the good doctor. She had a natural kind of inquisitiveness that was disconcerting, as well as arousing. But he wouldn’t let her think she’d gotten the best of him.

  “So, let me ask you a question, doc. Do the men in your life satisfy you?”

  “Yes, the people in my life satisfy me very much. But I think we’re losing focus. This session is to learn more about you.”

  “I disagree. I want to know about you.”

  “Stay focused, Commander,” she reiterated.

  “I am focused, Lieutenant.”

  “Great. So tell me more about these relationships. Do you ever wish any of them meant more?”

  Scott grimaced. “Why, so I could end up like my father, widowed and raising a child on my own?”

  What made him say that? He never had any intention of taking these sessions seriously. His plan had been to get the forms needed to release him back into action signed, with a minimum amount of hassle. Yet here he was, revealing information he’d never told a soul.

  Struggling with his burgeoning feelings, he blinked to regain control, missing her next question. “What did you say?”

  “I asked what makes that life so bad in your eyes?”

  “Because … I don’t relate well to … people,” he muttered. “I’m just like dear ol’ dad in that respect.”

  She nodded sagely, marking something on her little notepad. “Is that the reason why you feel lonely, because you don’t relate well? What about the men in your unit?”

  “I can relate to them. They’re all like me.”

  “Do you think they feel lonely?”

  “How would I know?” he snapped, sick and tired of having his life sliced open and gutted like a fish.

  “Well, you’re clear about yourself. You know how you feel,” she proclaimed. “This is what I want to understand, Commander. How do you really feel about your life?”

  “That this is it. Being a SEAL is what I was born to do.”

  The Lieutenant stopped scribbling on her pad, tilting her head to the side. “Does that still make you happy?”

  His patience was stretched to the limit. He didn’t know how much more of this he could take. “I don’t know anymore,” he sighed honestly; still not sure what was making him reveal these very personal details.

  “Well, when you leave here I want you to think about it.” Her voice was full of concern and Scott sensed her subtle retreat. “My main concern today is that you’re getting enough rest. How long do you usually sleep at night, Commander?”

  Scott applauded her quick redirection. She wasn’t the only one adept at it, though. “Well, I told you that depends on who’s next to me. I feel certain that if you were in my bed I wouldn’t be getting any sleep at all.”

  The doctor lifted her head, exhaling a harsh breath of air. “We’ve already established that your sexual references inhibit the progress of our sessions, so I’m trying to understand what made you say that. Are you frustrated sexually?”

  “Me? In my life?” He laughed. “No. But, sometimes I have dreams…”

  “That frustrate you?” she interrupted.

  He’d meant to fluster her, but her quick rejoinder threw him off track, suddenly, memories he’d rather forget invaded his mind. He could smell the sickening odor of burnt flesh; hear the popping sounds of gunshots ringing in his ears. He never had a vision during the day. It was only when he was asleep that he could see their faces.

  Shaking his head, Scott pushed the distressing apparitions to the back of his mind.

  No matter how far the woman pushed he wouldn’t talk about that.

  “I see my question has conjured up deep emotions for you, Commander. I want to stop right here, but I hope to begin our next session talking about your dreams and what makes you happy.” She paused, rising from behind
the desk. “So I’ll see you next week,” she stated, gesturing toward the door.

  Who in the world does this chick think she’s playing?

  Scott had never been angrier. He stayed seated, daring her to say something else, and watched sullenly as she walked around the large mahogany desk. Unwillingly he found his gaze drawn to the way her straight-cut khaki skirt swished across her ass. There were many things about the Lieutenant to admire, but her ass-et was the best feature. The two rounded globes were enough to fill his extra large hands.

  Navy issued uniforms weren’t supposed to flatter the figure. However, Scott admitted to himself that he’d never seen a woman look better in one. His cock hardened as he thought of how she would look riding him, her naked breasts bouncing. He’d make her slow down by grabbing a hunk of that tempting flesh, squeezing her buttocks so her pussy would clench…

  “Commander, I’ll see you next week at the same time, right?” she reaffirmed, disrupting his pleasant vision.

  Scott stood, taking time to straightening his shirt. His garrison cap was tucked into his pants at the small of his back and he pulled it free easily, tapping it against his right thigh.

  Moving toward her, he quieted his steps so the only sound that could be heard inside the office was the gentle noise of the air conditioner.

  “You think you’re so smart.”

  She straightened her shoulders, her profile going ramrod straight. “How so?”

  “Next time, doctor.”

  Chapter Four

  “Insufferable toad. The bastard thought I’d wilt under his macho bullshit. What an arrogant ass.”

  Holly jerked her gym bag from the passenger seat, hissing curse words at the world and one man in particular. Slamming the door of her 2003 Jeep Cherokee, she marched toward the arched doorway of her split-level condo, fingering her keys with jangled purpose.

  On a general day-to-day basis she loved her job. Being able to help people with their problems was why she’d become a psychiatrist. But she’d never met anyone as impossible, frustrating, or frankly, as uncooperative as Commander Gilcrist. The man needed a special mention in the DSM. His unruly behavior had unnerved her from the beginning and his continuing antics made her want to hit him with something—hard.