Spell Of Love: Dragon's Desire Read online

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  “What ...”


  She expected him to be rough. To take over. Force her some. Not make her submit to him like this.

  She didn’t know if she could. The dominant side of her battled the thought, while the submissive side of her yearned for the punishment.

  Her stomach clenched. Her mouth went dry. Her heart beat so hard, she swore she was about to have a heart attack.

  Fear wrapped around her; what was about to come was so pronounced, yet so unreal. Was she really going to allow him to spank her? Would he hurt her? She didn’t think she could do this. Yet the arousal from the game did not allow room for denial. She wanted to stop, but she just couldn’t. She was too damn hot for exactly what she feared.

  In the back of her mind, she wondered if it was the actual spanking -- or letting someone else be in control.

  She began to shake as she forced herself across his knees, bending over them. Immediately his hands glided over her ass, caressing her so sweetly that she didn’t expect the sudden, harsh slap. It bit into her, making her arch.

  “No.” He grasped her cheek tight in his hand, squeezing it. “Don’t you move. Not an inch.”

  She opened her mouth to argue, her ass stinging like hell. But her hot cunnie shut her up, willing her to obey him even though the concept was loathsome.

  Again he slapped her, this time a lot harder.

  She jerked up in a reflex, pain stinging through her as liquid dripped from her throbbing sex.

  “Each time you do that, you’ll get more.”

  “I can’t help it,” she moaned.

  “You’ll learn to listen to me. When we are like this, you obey my commands. You yield to me.”

  Again he slapped her, the smack echoing in her mind. It branded her like fire, making her part in this game now undeniable. She was at his disposal. Whatever he wanted, she’d do it. Not for fear of spanking, but for the craving of his control.

  Bryhan must have been able to smell her submission, to feel it in the release of her muscles. He lifted her, pulling her into his arms to face him. He lifted her, whirled around, and playfully dropped her atop the covers. She panted heavily as she waited from his next move. He glared down at her with a sinister smile, then bent off the side of the bed.

  He came back up with silk belts from three of her robes, one red, one white, one black. He must have raided her closet earlier. Flicking them out, he crawled over her. His hard cock hovered between her legs as he bound her wrists with the black tie, teasing her with the notion of it being deep inside her. She ached to grab his ass and drive him into her. To take control and make him do whatever she pleased. To satisfy herself right then and there.

  Her dripping sex clenched at the thought, begging to be filled.

  Bryhan knotted the belt tightly around her wrists, lashing her to the bed. Then he drifted downward, his cock brushing against her thigh. She arched up as if she could catch it.

  Grabbing her left ankle, he wrapped the red belt around it and tied her to the bedpost. Then he stretched her other leg out, spreading her open. Hot air teased her pussy, the scent of her sex filling the air. Quickly he tied up her other leg, trapping her in position.

  Sitting on his knees between her legs, he let out a devilish laugh. His fingers spread her apart, holding the folds of her sex stretched. He flicked her clit, then he squeezed it, rubbing it between his fingers. Suddenly, three of his fingers dove into her, all at once. She arched up, her natural reaction to pull away. But there was no escape. She was at the mercy of his every whim.

  She had no choice but to yield to his thrusts as he rammed his fingers in and out of her. No choice but to accept the way he explored deep inside her. Her muscles contracted on him, her juices spilling forth. Her body remained arched to the limit, not relaxing.

  Gripping her hips, he held them tight. He brought his mouth to her, but not to her nether lips as she expected. Instead, he kissed her hipbones. Sliding his mouth over each one slowly, he licked and suckled at the taut skin.

  “Ummm, so perfect.” His words blew lightly against her.

  It was a place she’d never had received such attention before. But her sensitive skin came alive, tingling and burning. The sensation went straight to her pussy, making her clench with utter desire.

  Ever so slowly, he worked his way up. His tongue trailed over her belly, pausing to dive into her navel. He swirled around in it, kissing it. He crawled over her, his mouth continuing to work its way up, leaving red hickey marks all over her body.

  He reached her breasts, cupping them. He blew over her rock-hard nipples, driving her mad. She writhed and fought against the bonds. Hell! She wanted to yank free and throw him down! She wanted her control back. Being dominated was too much torture. Exquisite and fine torture, sure, but ...

  Okay. She loved it. She just couldn’t stand it.

  Crying out, she bucked against him. God, why the hell wouldn’t he fuck her already? He continued to slurp over her breasts, licking and nibbling at them as if her nipples were the cherries atop an ice cream sundae.

  Then suddenly, he bit her. Not hard, mind you. Only enough to pinch. And make her scream out in shock and ecstasy. Again her hips thrust up, begging him to fill her.

  Instead he moved on to her neck, attacking her like a starving vampire. She squirmed as best she could as his teeth nipped at her, her skin under attack.

  “Please, Bryhan. Fuck me,” she pleaded.

  “Tell me you love me.”

  His words made her pause. Love him? She barely knew him. She couldn’t deny the attraction, sure. But love?

  “I --”

  “Just say it. Cry it. Please.” His deep, cracking voice overflowed with such desperate need, she could never have denied him.

  “I love you, Bryhan,” she whispered in his ear. As she spoke them, she remembered the clapping. The previous visions flooded her mind, like sudden, sharp, slapping reality. If she didn’t love him now, she would. So in a way, she already did. She cried out, screaming, “I love you so much.”

  His cock probed for the right spot, and with that, he thrust into her. Hard and demanding, he took her with absolute need. She gyrated against him, pushing at his every thrust. Together they rammed each other, hitting cloud nine.

  There was no rush to come, no overbearing need to explode. Instead they rode as hard and fast as they could for a while, but when exhaustion pulled at them, they slowed. Bryhan buried himself deep within her, moving his cock against her G-spot. They relished the leisurely pleasure.

  His hand wrapped around, cupping her ass. It spread her slightly from her tied position, and he slipped a hand along her crack. One thick, callused finger traced its length, gently running over her anus.

  That did it. She slipped right off the edge. He needn’t go any farther than that. Just the sheer thought, the threat and possibility, knocked her from her cliff and sent her barreling down.

  She landed with a sudden clunk, her orgasm over.

  Bryhan chuckled softly, nuzzling his face in her neck. “Ah, you like that, luv?”

  With that, he buried himself deep inside her, his cock jerking as he filled her with cum.

  Chapter Seven

  “Morning, sweetie ... Edmund is out right now. I can have him call you ...”

  The sweet voice filled his ears, over and over, answering the phone.

  “Morning, sweetie ... Edmund is out right now. I can have him call you ...”

  Sudden lights lashed through his psyche, making him wince. Again he heard the words; then they faded.

  “Morning, sweetie ... Edmund is out right now. I can have him call you ...”

  “Morning, sweetie ... Edmund is out right now. I can have him call you ...”

  Bryhan thrashed, his arms swinging upward. He jerked awake, snapping up in the bed. Slowly, his surroundings cleared from the blur. Darkness still blanketed the night, but the stars had vanished. Tiny rays of light had begun to peek out over the horizon. Shadows dance
d across the room, the air fresh and dewy with the promise of morning.

  They’d slept a long time. Not unreasonable, considering the reason they were worn out.

  Again his dream flooded his mind. Bloody hell. What a weird nightmare. Why had he dreamt about that? Over and over again it had played through his mind, like a ghost haunting him. An annoying one.

  Throwing his legs over the bed, he tried to focus better. What did it matter that some gal had answered Edmund’s phone? She was probably no one.

  But what if ...

  Could it be true? Had Edmund finally found someone? Someone to make the spell over them not matter?

  Bloody hell, to have that must be so good.

  He turned his head slightly, his gaze falling to his wild redheaded sleeping beauty. She was more than a lucky, rare find he could count on for a few days’ romp. A man didn’t just fuck like that, then leave. Not even a fool did. It hadn’t just been great. It had been impossible.

  Yeah, he was sticking around for a little while. Scratching at the stubble on his jaw, he headed toward the shower.

  * * * * *

  Jay leaned over the wooden rail of the private porch. Her secret porch, she liked to call it. Nestled between two of the walls, it allowed the perfect view of the creek. Above the tree line, the sun hung high and bright in the sky.

  Rays beat at her skin as she lifted her chin and basked in the glory of the warmth. Where she came from, Vermont, the weather was never like this. With her eyes closed, she relished in the pure, unadulterated heat.

  She always came here to think. To pull herself together. Which was what she needed right now. To collect herself. To get real about the situation.

  She couldn’t deny the way they had made love. She couldn’t deny the incredible attraction. She couldn’t deny her visions. But she didn’t know Bryhan. Not a damned thing about him. This wasn’t like her, and she wasn’t sure she wanted it to be.

  Honestly, she’d hoped he’d have disappeared by the time she woke up. She’d be all too happy to be wrong about her visions. But he was sticking around like glue. Like he had no intention of leaving. Which only made things harder.

  If he would have just left ...

  The bathroom door creaked open, and the sound of Bryhan’s footsteps filled the bedroom behind her. She didn’t need to look. She could feel his presence growing closer. He stepped onto the porch right behind her. His naked body, still hot from the shower, pressed against her back and rear. His hard cock nestled between her butt cheeks. A light breath caressed her neck as he nuzzled her. He began to plant slow kisses along her collarbone.

  “It’s going to be a scorcher today,” he murmured.

  His tongue swept over her skin, licking up to her ears.

  Bending her head, she pulled away from him. “I’m not interested in talking about the weather.”

  But Bryhan didn’t stop. “What’s the matter?”

  “I don’t know.” She sidestepped away, running her hands over the rail. “You came here to wrangle a croc for me. Now ...” She sighed. “Really, I don’t even know you.”

  He followed after her, his roaming hands going to her ribcage, right under her breasts. “Sure you do.”

  His fingers flicked the bottoms of her breasts, sending tingles across the tender skin. Immediately, her body came alive. She squeezed her pussy tight as it began to drip with need.

  She swallowed, her voice but a whisper. “No. I know your body. Not you.”

  His mouth went back to her neck, torturing her with sexy sucks and nibbles. “That’s all that matters.”

  Jay held back a curse. Figured. Somehow ...

  She shook her head. Just because the attraction was different didn’t mean Bryhan was. He was like any of the other many guys she tended to get involved with. Interested in her body. Sex. Money. Land. Not her. Never her.

  Certainly not marriage, babies, or anything important to her, for that matter.


  The clapping didn’t necessarily mean marriage. Maybe she was having the visions as a warning. Maybe she was making a huge mistake by letting herself fall to their whim. Maybe her premonitions were a warning of heartbreak to come.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

  Bryhan pulled away. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “When are you leaving, Bryhan?” She sighed, annoyance creeping through her as his words played over and over in her mind. “When do you intend to get out of my house?”

  “I ...” He paused, leaving the question hanging in the air for what felt like forever. “I don’t feel like it. What I want is right here.”

  Jay ran her tongue along the inside of her mouth, flicking it against her teeth. Bryhan, the crocodile wrestler, had a thing or two coming. She didn’t care how he dealt with wildlife. He’d find a whole new game in dealing with her. “Oh, is that a fact?”

  “A fact.”



  Jay said nothing else, brushing past him. Her naked body rubbed his, quite deliberately. Then she continued on. Her every step dripped with sexuality. She knew it. She pushed it. Her hips swayed, sashaying back and forth as she started through the open door into her bedroom.

  Then she stopped. Why go around?

  She turned and walked back, then eased one leg up over the rail. Lifting herself with her arms, she straddled it. Slowly, she swung her other leg over and hopped off the rail. She landed in the dusty grass, the thud of her body sending up a dry puff of dirt.

  Then she took off through her backyard, running toward the creek.

  Bryhan could do nothing but stare as she sprinted across the green grass. Naked.

  Under the sun, her pale skin gleamed. Reflections dazzled off her brilliant red hair as it curled and swayed over her shoulder. From here he had a side view of her. Her breasts bobbed up and down, her ass jiggling. Her long legs stretched and spread.

  All he could think of was catching her. Throwing her to the ground on her hands and knees and fucking her mad. God, he longed to reach around to her flat belly and hold onto those hips as he rammed into her without mercy. To hear her whimper under him, pleading for mercy. Begging for more.

  Better yet, to have those long legs wrapped around him, her feet crossed over his back, so soft against his skin.

  Bloody hell, why was he standing there like a fool, imagining things? He could be doing them!

  He threw himself over the rail and ran after her. Pressing his legs to go as fast as they could, he started to close the distance between them quickly. His muscles burned as he forced his legs to move as fast as they were able.

  In time he caught up with her, but she already leaned under a massive, thirty-foot-tall tree about a hundred feet from the creek. Her arms crossed under her breasts, lifting them. One leg was propped up on the rough bark of the tree, leaning slightly open to expose her red-haired pussy.

  A smile dazzled wide and full on her face. Her eyes flashed with green orneriness. She winked, running her tongue over her lips.

  “Well, you’re out.” Smugness filled her tone. Every word rang with “I won!” chanting and teasing him.

  “I had to follow what I wanted.”

  “So you did. But all the same, you’re out.” Then her face fell, going serious. “Look, Bryhan, I’m not into this. I mean, I am. But all you want is a quick fling. I promised myself no more.”

  A surge of jealousy zapped through him at the thought of her doing this with anyone but him. The thoughts racing through his head became maddening. He didn’t like it. Not a bit.

  His brows deepened over his eyes, his jaw becoming hard. “Damn right.”

  “Excuse me?” She raised her brows, standing straight up.

  “You’re not having any more flings.”

  Her crossed arms slashed out to her sides in annoyance. “But I am, Bryhan. With you.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  Her eyes dared him. “So, you intend to stick around, but you don�
��t want to know a damn thing about me?”

  Bloody hell.

  “I want to know everything about you.” He licked his lips. This was the hard part. “I just don’t have anything to share about me.”

  She flashed him a twisted smile. “Oh, that’s nice.”

  “It’s private.”


  “You wouldn’t understand.”

  “Try me.”

  “You’ll think I’m crazy.”

  “Try me.”

  “You won’t want to be with me afterwards.”

  “Try me.”

  Bryhan didn’t know why he did it. Part of him couldn’t stand the idea of her thinking of him as just a fling. Of her ending their relationship, flimsy as it was. He told himself it was her feet. Her hips. The way she wielded a kitchen spoon, yet could take a good spanking.

  But deep down, another part of him had been bottled up for far too many years. Desperate for someone to relate to. He didn’t know why her, but he just knew.

  He started toward the creek, his pace brisk. He did not look back, did not look down. He headed straight to what he needed to do. Straight to the croc.

  He could never tell her. He had to prove it. No woman -- no person -- would ever believe him. She would have to see it with her own two eyes.

  “Bryhan, no!”

  The rippling water rushed over the jagged rocks along the banks, filling the air with its crisp scent. Her screams cut through the normally peaceful environment, her footsteps pounding the ground with fast force.

  He only moved quicker. The grass brushed his legs, tickling his bare skin. The hard ground grated his feet, little rocks poking him. He did his best to focus on that and not her.

  He hated to scare her so. Didn’t even want to think about what he was revealing.

  “Bryhan, what are you doing?” she shrieked. “Are you insane?”

  His ran his tongue inside his mouth, thinking if he stopped, that’s exactly what she would conclude.


  He continued on, unrelenting. All reason had left him, the sudden determination to prove himself driving though him, a force to be reckoned with. He had to do this. Hadn’t Edmund? He’d bet he had. Why the hell shouldn’t he? Forget the pact and what she might think. Forget it all. Six hundred years was a damned longed time. Too freaking damn long.