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Spell of Love: Lust Upon Roses Page 5
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Now, to get her in his bed.
Chapter Six
Grace ran her fingers across the coarse hairs exposed on his chest. Her tongue followed, licking him everywhere she could reach. God, it was killing her. She needed to be fulfilled so badly. Honey from her dripping pussy soaked her tights. She was so wet. So ready.
Edmund’s strong arms held her as the elevator lifted them up. A ding rang out, and the doors slid open.
For only a brief moment, the penthouse distracted her from her sexual attack on him. She looked around the wide-open space, amazed. Persian rugs of brilliant colors covered the black marble floors. Plump, well-cushioned leather couches and chairs surrounded a huge, white stone fireplace. Atop onyx tables sat brilliant red roses in crystal vases, along with white candles.
It was modern yet manly, with just a touch of romance.
Licking her lips, she tried to decide which piece she wanted to do it on first. She had never fucked on a Persian rug or a leather couch. Money never meant much to her, but with the opportunity before her, she wanted to live a little. Taste the other side of life.
She turned back to him, running her tongue along the crook of his neck. Her hands tore at his shirt, yanking away buttons. Entangled in her hair, his hands pulled her head back. His lips brushed over hers, teasing her. Sensation shot through her, and she grabbed his mouth with hers. Their tongues entangled as he set her on her feet. Backing up, she made her way to the closest rug and pulled him down on it.
The bruised roses he held fell with them. Many of the petals fluttered down over them as their scent wafted around them. She inhaled the perfume deeply, and a renewed desire punched her in the gut.
She rolled on top of him and yanked her lips away. Her lips trailed down his chest as her fingernails raked across it. She smeared the rose petals into his skin, enjoying their smell.
With her teeth, she tore at the button on his jeans, even yanking the zipper down with them. His long, hard cock popped out. She traced her tongue up and down it, flicking against the soft spot of skin at its tip.
Groaning, he thrust his hips upward, shoving his cock into her mouth. She swallowed it, loving the feel of it stroking her mouth.
But it wasn’t satisfying the deep need burning in her. She didn’t just want to touch. She wanted to be touched.
Slowly, seductively, she raised her body until she stood above him. Straddling his torso, she hiked up her skirt and slid down her black tights one leg at a time. Then she disposed of her pink panties and lowered herself down over his face.
Kneeling above him, she enjoyed his licks. His tongue flicked against her clit, rubbing it in circles and back and forth. With his fingers, he toyed with her hole and pressed deep inside her.
Grace tossed her head back and moaned. Her sex clenched, and she pushed her pussy against his mouth. Damn, he was so good. So good ...
Edmund had never fucked such a randy girl. He couldn’t wait to bury his cock in her. Her sex tasted so sweet. Honey dripped down her thighs and over his cheeks as he lapped her up.
She was ready for him. Hell, she had been all night. If he waited any longer, he’d explode just from licking her. Wrapping his hands around her waist, he lifted her off him. He chuckled at her moue of disappointment.
He laid her on the Persian rug under him, atop strewn rose petals. Lifting her legs, he thrust into her. She moaned and writhed under him as if she were being tortured. He slammed into her again. Lifting a tattered red rose, he caressed her body with it as he fucked her with no mercy.
She screamed and bucked against him like a wild woman. They were like two animals mating, feral and desperate. He felt her convulse around him as she went into a frenzy of panting and screaming.
He came with her, filling her with his seed as he collapsed on top of her.
But though she had come, she didn’t stop. Grace kept right on ramming her hips against him, never giving his cock a chance to soften.
* * * * *
Brilliant sunlight warmed her face, waking her. Snuggling in the white silk sheets and thick, cozy blankets, Grace rolled over in his arms. He pulled her close to him, and immediate desperate desire struck her hard.
Images of the night before flashed through her mind like a dream. She couldn’t be sure if they were real or not ... or if this even was. But her body needed him and would not be denied.
Straddling him, she slipped him inside of her and rode him. His cock filled her, stroking back and forth like silk inside of her. Leaning forward, she pressed her tits in his face. He massaged them, then suckled her nipples. Grace moaned and rode him hard.
Edmund held her shaking body as she came, caressing her soft skin with his fingertips. Hell’s mercy, she was soft as rose petals and sweet as candy. The woman was downright decadent.
He caressed her hair, twisting the blond strands and drawing them tight as she collapsed atop him. Her soft body molded to his hard muscles, heaven upon hell. She had fucked him thoroughly, at least three or four times through the night. For the first time ever, in all of his six hundred years on this earth, he was sexually spent. Never had he just wanted to cuddle before.
But somehow, she was different.
He still wanted her close to him, very much. The thought of letting her go was unfathomable.
He placed kisses along her fragile shoulder blade and up the crook of her neck. She moaned, clearly ready for him again.
“Let’s take a bath, my dear.” A low, deep chuckle escaped him. Enough was enough. Her body had satisfied him. Now he just wanted her.
He slid out from under her, leaving her curled in the white silk sheets on his king-sized bed. Strutting across the marble floor of his master suite, Edmund went into the bathroom. He flicked on the gold switch to the heater, then went about drawing a bath. He plugged the huge garden tub situated in the center of the room, then poured some scented oil and bubbles into the water. Sniffing, he inhaled the delicate, spicy-sweet scent. Margery, his housekeeper, had been putting these things, as well as candles, about his bathroom for over two years. Why had he never used them? Hell’s mercy. He’d only bathed once, preferring the shower.
“Edmund,” Grace beckoned from the bedroom. “Edmund, come back to me.”
He smiled and cranked up the gold knob to the bath.
He should light the candles, as well. Searching the room for a lighter, he found one in the top drawer of the marble vanity. One by one he lit each of the white candles surrounding the tub as the room filled with perfumed steam from the hot water.
Perfect. Taking a step back, it hit him that he’d never done anything so romantic. Hell’s mercy. He’d never done anything romantic at all.
He turned to go get her, but she already stood in the doorway. Leaning against the frame, her lithe, supple body dripped of sex. Still hardened, her nipples jutted out in two ready peaks. Her cascading blond hair hung around her like a wild woman. Reddened and plump, her lips spoke of their kisses and begged for more.
“Come here,” he urged her in a low voice. His brogue had always been deep, but he noticed it starting to thicken even more.
Like a strutting cat, she walked to him. Lifting her, he placed her in the steaming water, then joined her. He sank into the water behind her, the heat radiating right through his skin to his bones.
Immediately she scooted backward until her rear cupped his cock. Despite his weariness, his manhood jumped to attention, as if it had a mind of its own.
Hell’s mercy.
Reaching up, he kneaded the supple muscles in her small shoulders and neck. She moaned, leaning into his hands. He kissed the back of her neck. “My dear, you are incredible.”
“Mmmm. Do you want me again, Edmund?”
“No, I only wish to feel you close to me. Let the sex rest.” He continued to knead her muscles. “Soon I will have to leave. I have a lunch meeting with a client. But you’ll be here when I come back.”
“Of course, Edmund. If that is what you wish.” Soft and sweet, her vo
ice sounded like that of an angel.
His insides warmed and twisted with pleasure. Never had any words pleased him so.
Kissing her neck, he leaned back and drew her to him. The bubbles flooded against them, as if to cover them like a blanket. Their scent invaded his nose, relaxing him.
“Tell me, Grace. Tell me who you are.” His arms wrapped around her.
“Grace Matthews.”
“No. Who are you? Where do you hail from? What makes you Grace?”
She laughed softly. “What makes me Grace? Nothing, really. I’m just another dot on this earth. I was born in Ocean Valley, raised in the very house ‑‑ or trailer, I should say ‑‑ where I live now. My parents died when I was seventeen, and I’ve been hanging on to nothing ever since. I’m always searching for an escape. Away from Ocean Valley forever.”
Suddenly he understood her job. Why she so stupidly put up with what she did. “Is that why you worked at Screw?”
She shrugged under his massaging hands. “My mother worked there, as well. I simply replaced her, I suppose.”
“But you’ve gone to college.”
“I wanted something better.”
He frowned. “You are something better. You’re more of a lady than anyone I’ve ever met, love.”
Love. Had he really called her that?
And that’s when he knew. He was slipping for her. Hard.
Worse, he liked it.
“You won’t go back there, Grace. I won’t let you.” His fingers entangled in her hair as his other hand lifted her rear. His cock slid in her slick sex. “You’re mine now.”
Chapter Seven
The next day, the worry set in.
It swallowed Edmund like a fever, a deadly black plague. It followed him and would not let go.
He had no choice but to leave. His clients still expected to have a lawyer, and he’d taken an oath to practice law. But damn it ...
In the face of losing her, he would do anything.
Hell’s mercy. Every time he came back home, he saw the frantic look in her big brown eyes, right before they filled with lust. His woman was going to leave him. Maybe he could hope she’d stick around for the six days of the spell.
But after that?
It was against everything he knew, felt, or believed. But he would not let her go. He did not know why. But he couldn’t.
Then again, if she decided to go, how could he stop her?
He eyed her black miniskirt still cast on the floor where they had made love for the first time. Picking it up, he went to his briefcase on the table and shoved it in.
Now, where were her panties?
Grace paced the floor, swallowed up by one of his huge white T-shirts and nothing else. What was she still doing here? It was a question she had asked herself every day for the past three days. Whenever he left, her wantonness faded. The lust overpowering her released like water gushing down the drain of an unplugged tub
What in the hell was she thinking? She’d missed three days worth of school, and she had promised Tom she would work Monday. After the scene on Saturday, her job was probably done for. Not to mention her purse had been left at Screw. Her money, credit cards, and license were probably gone. Even as she thought about it, she bet someone was out there racking up debt on her credit.
But every time she headed for that door, something deep inside her stopped her.
She always had an excuse. She had to tell him ... or she’d probably lost her job anyway ... just one more night.
But somewhere in the corner of her mind, she knew the truth. God help her, she needed the man, and in more than just wanton ways. Besides, it could be the only explanation for her behavior. Which was why she was leaving right now.
She searched the master bedroom for her black miniskirt. Drawer after drawer she opened and slammed shut on the cherry dresser and wardrobe.
Damn it! Perhaps the closet? She threw open the door and walked inside. Rows of perfectly hung clothes surrounded her on either side. Clearly there wasn’t much of a place for her skirt to be hiding. But she’d look anyway.
Geez! She got the idea that Edmund had taken it. Or hidden it.
He’d be home soon, and she had to get the hell out of here. She had to stop these weird feelings right now. She did not want to become involved with a man again. Love hurt too much. Even if you were with the best guy in the world, one who never cheated, never even got mad, there were no guarantees. People died every day.
Just like Matt had.
She would not stand next to a hospital bed and lose her very soul again. She’d just rather be alone than be left. The pain. God, she didn’t even want to think about it.
Screw it. Ripping a pair of his pants from their hanger, she slid them on. She yanked up the zipper and buttoned them, but they were still hopelessly baggy. Her eyes searched for a belt, found one, and slid it through the loops. Pulling it all the way to the last hole, she realized it, too, was a wasted effort.
What the hell could she do?
She couldn’t leave here with her bottom uncovered. If her underwear were anywhere to be found, she might not even give a damn. But she couldn’t walk out of here with a bare ass.
Damn! Yanking the black leather belt tight, she tied it tight it into a knot that still threatened to give at any moment. Holding it with one hand, she bent to roll up the pants legs. There. So long as she held the belt, she’d be good.
Something in her couldn’t wait. Running for the elevator, her heart raced as she held the pants.
Suddenly she heard the ding. Her feet skidded to a stop, and she quickly started backing up. Tripping on the jeans, she fell right onto her bottom. Hard.
She yelped in pain just as the doors slid open.
Teardrops flooded her eyes as she looked up to see a very angry Edmund standing over her. With one look, her body went insane. Powerful lust took over her. In a second, her sex was wetting, and her nipples hard.
Her lips trembled as she tried to back away from him ... from her weird feelings.
“Are you okay?” he grunted, the set of his jaw hard. His blue eyes iced over, burning into her. His kissable lips flattened, and despite his anger, all she could think was how she wanted to run her lips along that shaven jaw. To yank free his golden hair and tangle it in her fingers.
God help her, she wanted to fuck him.
“Were ye going somewhere, lass?” Anger thickened his accent to barely understandable. Never had she heard him speak so ... forced, livid, yet strange. Like he wasn’t from England at all, but somewhere far different.
But despite how very mad she knew he was, despite the fact that she should be standing up and insisting he take her home, all she wanted was to screw. “I ... I ...”
“Get up.” He held out his hand. His frozen blue eyes pierced her. “It’s time I reminded you why you’re here.”
When she didn’t take his hand immediately, he reached down and grabbed her under the arms. Angrily he yanked her up and tossed her over his shoulders.
He’d never fucked a woman out of anger. But then, he never fucked one out of love, either. Not until Grace.
He couldn’t accept that she was going to leave him.
No. He wouldn’t allow it. He was going to make sure she knew how he felt about it. How he felt about her.
Carrying her to the black leather couch, he threw her over the plush arm of it. Holding her by the small of her back, he yanked his pants off her. Exposed, her soft, sweet white ass bent before him. Round, sexy, just begging for it.
With jerky motions, he tore open his button and unzipped his pants. His cock jutted out, and he crouched down. Spreading her legs, he drove into her. Hard. He rammed himself into her, his legs slapping against her ass.
She writhed and cried out underneath him. He grasped her ass cheek, kneading it. “You like that, huh? You want to be fucked, don’t you?” He slowed his movements to drive her crazy. “Tell me you want it.”
“I want it
, please ...” She moaned, her voice but a whisper of a need.
He rammed into her hard, then stopped. “Then tell me you won’t leave. Swear it.”
“I won’t.”
He wriggled deep inside her, just enough to torture her G-spot with his head. “Say ‘I won’t ever try to leave you again.’ Promise it.”
“I ... I promise I won’t ever leave you ...” she panted. “Please.”
He thrust into her just once. “Say my name.”
“Edmund!” she cried.
“Keep saying it,” he commanded as he pumped in and out of her.
“Edmund ... Edmund ... oh, God, Edmund ...” Grace went into a crazed frenzy, crying his name as he thrust into her. Her sex convulsed as her clit begged to be touched. She pushed herself up on her knees and reached around. Her fingers played with her folds, massaging them as he gave it to her. “Edmund!”
“That’s it, Grace. Love me, Grace.” Fierceness invaded his voice, like he was a warrior on a mission.
In that moment, despite the clouds of ecstasy, she knew it. Edmund did love her. And she needed him. Desperately.
In spite of herself, she just couldn’t hate the fact.
Instead it pushed her even farther, driving her to thrust her ass against him.
He jerked and came all over her ass. The wet liquid warmed her rear as she scooted down onto the cushions and waited for him to wipe her clean. But he surprised her, grabbing her legs and flipping her onto her back. She flopped against the softness of the couch. “I want to look you in the eyes as I fuck you.”
His Bahaman blue gaze bored into hers, sending chills down her spine. Grasping her legs, he drew her to him and thrust inside her.
“Don’t look away,” he commanded. “Look into my eyes and see my soul.”
Within thirty seconds of staring into his gaze, she lost it. Her body barreled over into orgasm. She threw her arms about him, screaming and begging, “Edmund! Edmund!”
Chapter Eight